Friday // 5 p.m.// Suite 917
Here we are again… Jon’s pacing the room dying to leave while Cameron’s Man Bun Continues to grow by the second.
It’s been another busy week on the ninth floor, but that’s how we like it. If all goes as planned March will be one of our busiest months so far.
Here’s a quick look back at the week gone by!
Optimum Rope Access Solutions, the website is coming right along. A big thanks to Todd Bentley, we haven’t seen him in a while but work is moving right along while he’s out doing some Spiderman stuff somewhere.
If that’s not a run on sentence then here’s a big thanks to my English teacher Mrs. McCoy in Perryton, TX.
The Amarillo Botanical Gardens are alive and well, if you need a nice quite lunch break, it’s the perfect place.
Cameron ran Audio, Jon did the shooting, our friend Austin Ulen got behind the lens, and I ran around like a maniac.
All this happened while the true stars, Reagan Gamble and Gerald Campsey nailed their lines for Morgan & Myers new spot.
Disregard Cameron’s look of disdain.
Brainstorming… Lots of Brainstorming. Followed by more Brainstorming for Dean Boyd.
Here’s the newest spot though!
Thursday Part Two
We did take a little break… at Hoots. Ever heard of Ian Moore? He was there, and we might have had a bucket of Shiner. Just one though.
Here’s some spectacular video footage from my awesome iPhone. I lied… It’s taking way to long to compress. Here’s the song. Some of you might remember this guy.
Friday Friday Friday…
This Guy Stopped By… that’s Diego. My nephews are in town and they’re swimming so you know where I’m going.
Thanks for reading! Have a good weekend and Take Care!! I leave you with Cameroni’s Corner.
In this weeks Cameroni’s Corner…
Cameroni Reviews the Movie “Get Out”
(No spoilers here)
Time after time I’ve left the movie theatre disappointed after buying a ticket for a “scary” movie. Since the paranormal activity era started in 2007 many filmmakers saw something that worked with that movie and just copied it. Even the makers of Paranormal Activity just copied their concepts to make a second film, and a third, and so on. Sinister and Insidious went a different route than the found footage genre but still could not compare to something like Stanley Kubrick’s The Shinning. Until Now. 2017 has been a good year for scary movies and it’s not even close to Halloween. First was M. Night Shyamalan’s Split. After watching Split I had a realization that not all horror movies were going to be awful. Then weeks later I set down for Get Out. I was excited from the trailers but didn’t know what to expect. I’ve been a fan of Jordan Peele since his MadTV days and Key and Peele so I figured something written by him would be fresh. It was a modern blend of Stepford Wives and the Shinning. The movie hypnotizes you in a way similar to the literal scenes within it. This opening shot really reminded me of the beginning of the Shinning with a helicopter shot flying over a winding rocky mountain road. Get Out’s opening is even more simple but just as effective as you see passing trees from the perspective of a car passenger with Childish Gambino’s latest album playing in the background. Speaking of music the score in the movie is what I consider the most ideal horror movie score with violins playing at the right times. You can expect to see gore, jump scares, and a heavy dose of suspense. Peele took horror movie cliches and changed some and kept some to really throw the audience off guard. Expect a great deal of creepy moments that can give you the chills. It had everything I was expecting to see in a horror movie but then went even further with great cinematography and acting. The main actor is actually from the UK and can cry on command so go check it out.